Janganman India


About Us

We are a team of professional Journalists who bring Jan Gan Man India uncensored and have more than 175 years of cumulative journalistic experience covering National, International affairs in both the print and electronic media. This includes reputed newspapers and magazines as well as radio and television.The team have not only covered major epoch-making events which have changed the course of contemporary history but have also uncovered many scams and scandals in the corridors of power. Their credentials are firm and their reputation impeccable.Tumultuous transformations, exciting and startling, positive and negative, admirable, and shocking, have gripped India in recent times, especially in the past two decades. A Dickensian analogy is evident – these are the best of times, these are the worst of times, and it depends on how you decide to look at the half-full glass. As the real and virtual information highways are flooded with content in myriad forms and almost-infinite expanse, there seems to be huge gaps and an increasing vacuum. How do we define the India of today? What are it’s people thinking? Why do Indians think, behave, and act the way they do? More importantly, how do vast strands of religion, economics, politics, culture, and social trends converge with and diverge from each other? Since Indians largely talk to each other, and those in different lands, through social media, the need of the hour is personal interactions with them. Jan Gan Man will connect with Indians from diverse backgrounds and talk to them. Face-to-face interactions with the common masses, leaders, intellectuals, cultural icons, sportspeople, and others are crucial at this juncture, a crossroads in the country’s civilized history spanning thousands of years. Jan Gan Man India, the first and unique mega News Road Show of its kind, is an endeavour in this direction.Jan Gan Man India’s is to serve the truth, the unvarnished truth and nothing but the whole truth. Jan Gan Man India will talk to people from different fields, age groups, socio-economic classes, castes and communities, professions, gender, etc. Through discussions and interviews, as well as visits to prominent places and locations, we will tell new narratives of a new India. Jan Gan Man India will create a paradigm shift in Indian and global journalism. We will showcase untold stories from uncharted territories, tales in written, audio, and audio-visual formats, as India completes 75 years of Independence. People will speak, the world will listen – Bolain Aap, Sunega Bharat.