बैंक हिचकिचा कियों रहे हैं, कर्ज़ माफ़ी वालों के नाम बताने मैं ?
Why the Banks are waiving off the loans and not disclosing the names?
Banks write off Rs 2.02 lakh crore in FY21; Rs 10.7 lakh crore in last 7 years and Bank officials are not ready to tell the names of the companies and individuals whose loans have been waived off. What is the reason? Are banks under pressure from the top, not to disclose the names or it is the legal binding. There is public clamour to know the names whose loans have been waived off, after all banks are the trustees of public money. Who is responsible.
Guest:- Pradip Biswas, Leader BEFI, C. H. Venkatachalam Gen Sec AIBEA, Ashwani Rana Banking Expert . Anil Tyagi Editor Gfiles